I feel it necessary to take a minute and thank my amazingly talented son Ayden for running this entire page, it’s design, flow, traffic etc. is all him.
His words exactly were, you just write mom and I will take care of the rest! In Other words, stop touching buttons mom LOL!
He was my first born, my textbook baby. Perfect pregnancy, perfect delivery, ahead of the curve, reading before he should, speaking in full sentences long before the “chart” said it was normal, always happy, etc.…. single handedly the reason I agreed to have his sister.
He is creative, gifted when it comes to the written word, makes his own music, him and his music partner have just reached 5K subscribers on YouTube. He manages their web stuff (by stuff I mean I have no idea about any of it so I reduce it to the word stuff, even though I know it is more substantial than that) he also works a full time job, pays his own rent, bills, and groceries. He is his sister’s keeper, her constant and go to, and always has been and likely always will be.
I am super proud of both of my kids, today I am just feeling like I need to give my main man a nod.
Thank you for all you do, all you have always done. For always being the other half of my equation, my best friend, defender and cheer leader.
Love you like a hooker loves a free clinic!
SO with all the gushing done, I have to get on with my 9-5, but kiss your babies today, make someone smile, and if you can make em laugh….do that!